R0J0hound, next question.
Due i was unable to achieve that perfect rounded curves mentioned in previous posts, started to change/edit any values and did this:
Added 4 variables so in runtime i can add/substract via slider to the bx1-2/by1-2 of the curves with X1/X2/Y1/Y2 variables.
bx1 + X1
bx2 + X2
by1 + Y1
by2 + Y2
Tried and the first thing i saw is that due how we do the curves on edit the XY12 values it looks duplicated.
And i found that if i set the tension point over the vertice i can get the perfect/rounded curves i was looking:
With this, i can do the same good looking curves as on inkscape.
But as you can see there is a problem, due how the curve is built it's appear duplicated ¿?.
So, how to draw a curve with that 4 params correctly without that duplicate/broken/glitch thing?
This is how the "Line To" expresions looks now:
(cubic(curx, b1x+X1, b2x+X2 ,nextx, t)-Self.X)
(cubic(cury, b1y+Y1, b2y+Y2 ,nexty, t)-Self.Y)
So, we want to do in a similar way is done on inkscape, and thinking in two options, but we have not idea how to get the algorythm to achieve that, so hope that you are a god in this can help us XD.
1.- Draging the curve
Depens on you drag the curve the values XY12 moves.
It looks that at 25% of start only moves 100% the X1Y1. At 26% of the start 99% X1Y1 and 1% X2Y2. In the midle of the curve both moves fast,etc...
I guess it uses some kind of algorythm that calculates the curve distance where is draged to set that XY12 values.
2.- Visible control points (bx1-by1 (X1Y1) & bx2-by2(X2Y2)) to edit curve:
In this case you have the ability to move one or other, and they are placed in the curve.
What you think? Wonder if you have the skills to get one of this method working.