sysads's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi all, I was wondering if anyone with experience in game promotion has ever tried out promoting game with Admob campaign?

    I am looking at seeing which is best way to promote ones game with just a few installs at cheap rate.


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  • I replaced all the icon files and it works for me. Try replacing all of them, and not just the 64 and 256 versions.

    I replaced all icons and still not showing. Can you send me your test file c3p file. Thanks

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  • Calling a function from within itself is definitely not possible if I am correct as there would be no way of stopping it.

    First there must be somewhere in your code that triggers the initial function call. There you can recall the function but I think it comes down to what exactly your function is doing.

  • First I have searched the forum and few posts I have seen does not seem to have an answer.

    I select the progress bar and logo option but on testing, only the progress bar shows but no logo.

    I changed the loading-logo.png to mine and still its still not showing.

    Used both size 64(png) and 256(png) but still not showing.

    Anyone has this working for them?

  • I don't think you want to encrypt the files, but the data in the files.

    Hi and thanks for this. I have had a look at the sample file but can't figure out how to encrypt content of the JSON since its like over 7K lines

  • Hi, in my Quiz game, when I generate a signed APK file and extract the content, I noticed that when I navigate to "assets/www/", I see all my json files there.

    Is there no way of preventing this like how Unity are able to encrypt files.


  • Thanks totally forgot that

  • I implemented the scroll feature for my level scene by wiping up and down. The challenge I is in my level HUD layer I have a sprite that covers the HUD so the level objects appears to disappear behind it but when I click the back button I have in the HUD layer, you could see that it also clicks the level button behind it.

    How can I prevent the level buttons from click as soon as it enters behind the HUG sprite.


  • I was wondering if its possible to integrate native admob ad in once app. So in my app, when I scroll to the end, i want a native ad to appear at the end not banner ad.

  • I haven't tried it yet, but with the new Pin in version 197 you should be able to scale pinned objects with the parent object. So you need to pin all your buttons to the popup menu, and then scale it with Tween (Two properties) -> Size.

    Another option is to use Tween Value, say from 0 to 1. And while this tween is running, set the scale for the menu and all other objects to Menu.Tween.value("tag")

    Thanks will give that a try.

  • > > Also, as another question, how can I add hint buttons at each level? Thanks.


    > Can you explain a bit more on what you want the hint button to do? And how is your level setup?

    I have a word game, there are at least 2 and at most 5 words that should be present in each level. If the player is unable to find one of these words if it cannot be found, I want it to be a pop-up window when the hint button is pressed and a text box showing what the word is about.

    Is your data per level stored in an array separately? If so then add an additional layer in the array that stores the hints value. Then add a hidden layer in the game screen with the UI that would pop up and use Array.At(loopindex, xxx) to pick the hint data.

    In my quiz game, the array has row for quiz question, quiz index, quiz hint. Then to load each question I use a variable (you can use loopidex as well) which I increment by 1 so it loads the next question.

    Since my variable tracks the current question, then when you click on hint button, it runs Array.At(variablename, 2).

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Member since 20 Jun, 2015

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