If you can explain it a little better, you might get a better answer..
What is a sleep value?
What would you like to do?
What is happening and what did you expect to happen?
With the answers to these questions it would be much easier to help..
I think you should read up on how to use arrays..
After the person has pushed submit, loop through the array to see if the word exists..
filling the array could be done with the csv2array plugin..
This also answers your second question, for it would be easy to select a "random" word from the array and display it..
1 - on key pressed - player play punching animation
2 - if opponent is within punching distance - opponent playy punching animation
3 - opponent set direction to player.x, player.y
4 - if person killed - add to global variable power, if global variable power is max and player press key - play special attack..
You could add an instance variable weapon to your player (either text or number) and set it to the weapon you want..
player on collision with weapon one - set variable to weapon one (or if you want numbers just 1)
and then something like this:
player if variable = weapon one - set group weapon one activated..
trigger once
When objects are out of layout? I guess you mean out of viewport, because all objects are probably in the layout..
It could be many things,
The size of your images,
A lot of events that are checked/executed every tick,
collisionpolygons with too many points,
Can't really tell without seeing the Capx..
I really like this way of handling keyboardinput..
Made this example for somebody else on this forum..
all you'd have to do is make events for when keyboardinput is 6 - simulate pressing right, etcetera
Import the information you'd like into an array inside the "Game" and make a function to display based on that array..
You could manually create a file with the information, but if it's movies and ratings I guess having a SQL-database and importing through php would be your best bet..
There are some tutorials about using a SQL-database in combination with C2, so you could start reading those..
I'd say yes, but it would take a lot of planning..
through Ajax and load image from url almost everything inside the game is replacable..
Of course it would depend on what kind of changes you would like to make..
Creating the framework on which to place the changes could become a hell of a job..
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
This could be an option:
If you have a list you could use the choose() expression to decide what place should be picked
set variable spawnplace to choose(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
if spawnplace =1 spawn at x=whatever, y=whatever
From the manual
Physics Actions
Set stepping mode
Choose whether the Physics time step uses dt (delta time, for Framerate independent) or a fixed value. By default it uses a fixed time step to eliminate any randomness or instability coming from dt, ensuring simulations are exactly reproducible every time. Set to Framerate independent to adjust the time step according to the framerate, which can cause the same simulation to have different results if run twice. Note even when in this mode, the behavior clamps the maximum time step to 1/30 (about 33ms, equivalent to 30 FPS) to prevent the instability that can result from large time steps. For more information see Delta-time and framerate independence.
Set the origin of the sprite to the bottom and it will only stretch up..
Something I made a long time ago:
Member since 26 Apr, 2011