Lucky Star's Recent Forum Activity

  • Well, someone else already answered GLaDOS ;(

    I'll say wheatley then..

  • I've only been using C2 for about a month and a half, do you think it would be taking to big of a step to make multiplayer in my game?

    And I've seen a template for it, but what exactly does that template do, like, does it do everything, or are there still millions of things you need to do?

    Sorry if this is the wrong forum page.

  • I fixed it with adding the behavior "bullet"

    and making it follow the players X.

    Thanks anyway!

  • imothep85 I don't have a "PlatformMoveTo" behavior in the add behavior menu..

    and if this also make the ball stop falling/shooting when it hits a solid block, I can't do that, because there is solid blocks everywhere in my game, so the player could cheat.

  • I'm making a boss fight, the boss shoots flaming balls at the player, but how would the flaming balls go to the player?

    I mean sure, it could just teleport there, but I need it to follow the spot the player was in in a trail...


    Oh and, I want it to point in the direction of the player, but when it shoots, it goes straight forward, not curving in midair to follow the player, that would make it look like it had a life of its own.

  • Its working now

    Thanks =)

  • Valhallen Hi, I figured I could do the simple way, because my exp always changes by 5.

    But when the players XP is EXACTLY on 100, it will rapidly change the level by 1 because the statement of the player having a multiple of 100 is STILL true, so my player could hack.

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  • Hm, for now (until I get a response from you) I'll use change by 1, and lower the value to level up for each 30.

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    if you don't know how to upload to Kongregate.

    Be sure that when it finishes loading, press "Publish" at the top of the screen.

    And also make sure you have the NEW files.

    Oh, and when you try to upload, are you clicking "Upload new version" at the bottom of the game screen?

  • Valhallen

    "floor( currentExp / expNeededToLevel ) > floor( oldExp / expNeededToLevel ) -> if true, level up!"

    When I compare you can't enter floor into the variable...

    can I get more explaination on floor? I know what it does, but how do I add it in?

    I get a dropdown box, so I cant enter in floor()

  • Hm..

    It seems to be working now after loading an autosave version...

  • Using the latest version I just downloaded, using the personal license, I didn't download any extra plug-ins, and it's only with this project.

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Lucky Star

Member since 5 Jun, 2015

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