> Yes, your event may look something like this:
> Origin image point has index 0. Image points 1-4 are for attaching instances of Sprite2.
First point seems to work. But now having done this in an example project, all instances of Sprite 2 seem to point to the same point.
Not what I was hoping for... Proximity to the points was the thing I was hoping to attract Sprite 2 to Sprite 1, so that by proxy each one would attach to each point. Could it be because I have all my versions of Sprite 2 in the same family and am referencing the family instead? Or is there something more?
Maybe I'm complicating things a little lol
My idea was to have an instance of Sprite 2 attach to whichever of the 4 points Sprite 1 has nearest it without the other instances of Sprite 2 taking its place. Mind you, I also have the instances of Sprite 2 in a family, and I think I made it harder for myself in doing that, but I'm yet not sure.