I don't know why it does not work in intelXDK, because that this plugin does nothing, no code is inside the action and condition.
Since this plugin do nothing, it is fine to remove this plugin from porject when exporting.
Hi all.
It seems that Rex Commen plugin is causing some problems if you export to Cordova and use XDK. This is what I experienced:
1. My game (Take Down Zombies) did not work in XDK's emulator.
2. I did not know why. So I started to remove stuff from my project.
3. A lot of "Remove some stuff, Export, See if emulator works in XDK"
4. When I remove the Rex Comment object, then suddenly the emulator in XDK worked just fine.
I like the Rex Comment. It is really usefull. I hope this issue will be fixed. Can anyone perhaps verify my experience?
I just want to pas on this info.