thedeveloper's Recent Forum Activity

  • Thank you and I want to tell you and the Construct Team that you guys did an excellent job. I can't wait for the next release. Construct and Construct 2 in my opinion are better then Game Maker by Mark Overmars. I just have one more question? Will C2 Be able to Export Windows EXE Files like C1 does? I think this is a must have for game creators. I will be donating some money soon to this project. Thanks for such a great game maker

  • Thank you, I can't wait. Will Construct 2 remain an open source project as well?

  • Hi, No I'm using Windows Vista Premium Edition. I hope you can get this fixed. I really like construct 2. Thanks

  • I'm using Construct 2 and when I load a game capx file then close construct I get an runtime error saying this program requested to terminate in an unusual way. Does anybody else have this problem? If so any ideas on how to fix it? theres also an error when closing project.

    Any ideas?


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  • Hello,

    I would like to help with the development of construct and I'm an advanced C/C++ Programmer.

    My problem is I can't afford the prof-uis libs can someone please send them to me?

    I can't compile construct without them. Please send them to me at

    Thank you

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Member since 12 Feb, 2011

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