Or just experiment with the URL as given earlier.
Each parameter after the "?" is like a variable.
"original_referer=" is like the URL of your game where it is currently being executed.
You can cheat and have that parameter as :
[quote:13hnqw5h]"https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?original_referer=" & browser.URL &
Where Browser.URL will automatically fill in the URL for you. Beware during your test on local though, the returned URL will likely be "http://localhost".
"&text= My text " & myVariable & "blabla"
The message of the tweet itself and concatenation to add the value of a variable.
That's all that's needed.
If you make your text "&text=@MyGame I scored " & myScore & " points" this will send a message directed to the "@MyGame" account. It still can be seen publicly, but if
mygame is configured to get notifications it will receive some as the message is tweeted.
Last moderation note: Please don't create multiple topics on the same subject, prefer to keep all your related questions into a single and same topic.
Merging them to reduce forum's noise.