This Tutorial from Ashley may be of use. Look at the mixed And/Or section.
This is an English forum so please post in English or provide a translation.
I have Win7 64 bit and CC works perfectly well on my PC.
Do you get any particular error messages?
This example from Ize HERE shows what is possible. It even has a good page turn effect.
This for Construct Classic not Construct2, therefore it isn't a .capx and will not work in C2.
My pleasure.
There are other ways and efficiencies that could be used, but at least you get the gist.
dzaky Alkaff
This is for Construct Classic, and not Construct 2. CC uses .cap and C2 uses .capx, but they are not interchangeable. Therefore a CC .cap does not and will not work in C2.
Download CC if you wish to use this .cap.
A reasonably more efficient thing to do would be to make use of Functions, e.g.
<img src="" border="0" />
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I don't see how you can contend what I said, when I quoted verbatim from the FAQ on their site.
I also never said you couldn't make and sell using the free version.
The pathfinding example that comes with C2 has some code to show the path etc. Is that of any use?
I didn't notice the RT bit :/
Yea, I agree. MicroS**t just keep shooting themselves in the foot with RT.
This TUTORIAL should help you.
Member since 30 Jun, 2010