Tokinsom's Recent Forum Activity

  • Make a variable called "Prev_HP" or something and compare it to the current HP, if lower then call the function and set it to Creatures.HP.

  • Bump.

  • If it's not too much trouble can we please have an "Enable On Start" property for all of the behaviors?

    Instead of giving my player and each enemy their own behaviors I put them all in a single family containing every possible behavior and enable/disable them as needed. This makes it very easy to code surface modifiers and such that apply to everything. Any other way is very inefficient.

    Problem is every time an enemy is spawned I have to disable the behaviors it won't be using, and if a new behavior is added I have to go through all the enemy spawning events to disable it for those that won't use it. It'd be much easier to have all of them deactivated by default, and just activate the ones they use when spawned.

  • Might be too many objects/giant textures in your layouts. Like notion, my projects have thousands of events with no lag! Maybe check for graphic driver updates?

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  • It's not just the shaders, it's everything. C2 doesn't just scale up your graphics from 1x to 4x or whatever, it totally redraws them in a higher resolution. Looks terrible for low-res games since they start using "sub-pixels". Pixel rounding doesn't fix it.

  • Guys he means disabling interaction with solids for certain objects, not as a whole. It's been requested a dozen times now o.o;

    For example - Your player can get a special ability that allows him to walk through a solid object but everything else will still interact with it. Currently you can't do this.

  • I'll see if I can make a .capx for it. I just quit using ctrl+crop and made sure everything had 1px transparent borders and it's bee fine since.

  • For the record, not adding the 1px transparent border to your sprites/tiles can cause seams and in some cases a missing row of pixels on your sprites when on a certain part of the screen. Not sure why no one has mentioned it. I would say it's a bug on C2's part.

  • It takes 4 events..If that is too many, buy a license lol.

  • You can enable pixel rounding in the project properties to fix this. Unfortunately it doesn't round pixel size nor angle though like every other program out there XD; I've asked Ashley 4 times about it but it doesn't look like it's happening.

  • I thought he already added "for each map property". Also you can use a map property to retrieve the BG color in the meantime or if Rex doesn't add it.

    rexrainbow I can't think of anything atm! Great work! I'm still having trouble with the tile object thing I brought up earlier though...I'll see if I can find an easier way to demonstrate the problem (probably just something on my end but I dunno..)

  • Yes, let us yet again lower our standards solely to run our games on platforms they struggle immensely with in the first place.

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