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  • Does anyone know if it would be possible to create Android widgets using C2? Obviously it can't all be done through the editor itself, but I imagine the output could be edited to work as a widget instead of an app. I know very little about creating widgets so please bear with me.

    Basically I'm looking to develop a game and instead of having a simple icon you press to open the game, there will be an interactive widget that will communicate with the game data, show animated sprites of the main character, his stats (Health, etc.) and have a few buttons. Pressing one of these buttons will open a game featuring this character. That's the gist of it at least.

  • Yeah, customizable controls is the way to go, but I don't think C2 supports it. I personally use Arrow Keys, A, S, and D, with my little finger resting on shift and thumb on the spacebar. It's similar to the FPS setup so people won't find it awkward. For some reason Arrow Keys, Z, and X is really popular but I find it really uncomfortable and my little finger and thumb hang off the keyboard.

  • Are those images taken from the layout editor or from the running game? If the zoom level in the layout editor is like..165 or something, then stuff like this will happen.

  • Eh..that's interesting. Might be due to the weird size. Tiles in general are 8x8,16x16,32x32, and so on.

  • The texture must be a power of 2 size for image offset to work. You can use empty space if needed.

  • Well the icon only appears after the user himself inverts the condition so naturally you will automatically associate the two. As such, it can be a freaking triangle and still make sense; the user doesn't have to look at the icon and figure out what it means. You're looking too into it O_o;

  • Thanks for elaborating, Tulamide. I was on my phone and didn't want to type all of that out ^^;

  • Might be able to make your own letterboxing to cover up that extra space. Didn't Ashley mention something about adding that at some point?

  • Can't you attach ("pin") spritefont to an object? If not then nevermind. Pretty sure spritefont is the only way to do this unless you make your own text system :\</p>

  • You can do that using Lucid's Spritefont plugin. Konjak and him talked about this exact thing around page 4 in the spritefont topic (I had to figure this out too a while back.)

    I had a hard time pulling it off without the game crashing though; spritefont is kind of unstable..maybe make your own? R0j0 made a C2 example on bitmap fonts that should translate ok.

  • You're better off using a tiled bg object for your tileset and image offset to get your tiles!

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