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  • Okay, so I figured out what was limiting my use of the Platform behavior! With Jump Strength, you can't change jump height and jump speed seperately. If I want a guy to jump 450 pixels at 150 pixels/sec, there is no way to do this with the Platform Behavior. This really ruins it for my platform game. It seems (unless I'm wrong) that I have to use Custom Movement, which will be a hassle from what I've already tried with it. I might try a combination of Custom Movement and Platform Behavior, but I suspect some of their features won't coexist correctly for what I'm doing.

    For example, since I felt as though the built-in Jump Sustain was inadequate (and yes, I was using it correctly, even in examples I've seen it doesn't look right), I decided I'd make a triple jump system. This would arguably work better for the style of my game anyway, but when I tried making it, the inability to alter the speed at which the jump is made ruined it. I needed three jumps of a certain height, each made very quickly. I have also noticed that I couldn't make a jump in the middle of another jump, though I am not 100% certain (though pretty sure), that it isn't just my fault on the Event Sheet side. Basically, unless I can add complexity to jumping in my game, it won't be a good platformer.

    Note: I don't post .caps because I don't want people stealing my game. No one outside of my beta testers will play it until they accept an EULA

    Edit: Okay, while playing New Super Mario Bros. I noticed up very close inspection that Mario's Jump Sustain does have the tiny pause or lack of smoothness whatever that the Platform Behavior has. Maybe it is more noticable in Construct or maybe just with my sprite (and since I have no animation yet, even the tiniest things stand out in a jump), but I should be able to make it look good enough. Still, it is essential I find a way to alter jump speed. One reason I need it is to help add more variable height to Jump Sustain. I noticed Jump Sustain is very much tied to Jump Strength. If you tap Jump, it will go as high as the Jump Strength/Gravity allows. This is the minimum jump. Now, if I alter the Jump Strength/Gravity to make the minimum jump smaller but have a sustain that makes it basically jump three times (since that is pretty much what Jump Sustain does), the speed will not feel right.

  • From messing with the Platform values more, I do not think there is any way you can achieve a proper jump sustain with it that looks natural.

    Let's say I want to have the player move up X pixels per X ms while Shift is held but end jump while keeping achieved momentum if Shift is released, I don't see any way to do this with the Platform behavior. Right now it looks forced. It doesn't look smooth or realistic. If you reach the top of you jump, you instantly fall as if you hit a ceiling. It would look natural if you could carry force after the jump ended. Also, there arent enough options for altering jump speed while still being able to end the jump before the player has reached the height of the Jump Strength.

    I haven't been able to get it right with events either, but I'm not nearly as knowledgeable as a lot of other people. If anyone can find a proper way to do it, that would be wonderful.

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  • I was dealing with that problem but I fixed with this, check it out:

    When Z key was pressed and Player is on ground, set a GravityTimer to 10

    If GravityTimer > 0, Substract 1 from GravityTimer

    If GravityTimer = 0, set vertical speed to 0

    If Z key is released, set vertical speed to 0.

    That way, if you keep the button pressed, you will jump the same height you wanted, but if you release the button, the player will stop.

    Just play with that values (GravityTimer and that stuff) and you'll get what you want, or atleast I did.

    Good luck!

    I read the thread you started about it, but I couldn't get the right values either (and I suspect events are better for this anyway). I don't see GravityTimer or Vertical Speed anywhere though. Did you use private variables?

  • I'm trying to make a sidescrolling platformer with mario-like jumping, but Jump Sustain (and the other values that go along with it) for the Platform Behavior makes it feel strange. It isn't even smooth. It looks like you are jumping then a tiny pause, then you lift up higher. It doesn't feel like variable jump height, but rather variable number of consecutive jumps.

    Anyone know a better way?

  • I found the problem! I had two Event Sheets included:

    Color Select Event Sheet


    Main Event Sheet

    The problem was that Color Select Event Sheet INCLUDED the Main Event Sheet too. So it was running the event sheet twice! It worked fine at first until I started testing something in the Color Select Event Sheet and therefore Included the Main Event Sheet in it for the testing.

    BTW, I found this by randomly deleting things...

    Edit: So even if I tell an Event Sheet to trigger something only once (which I tried too), but load the same Event Sheet twice (unknowingly in this case), it will trigger the same event twice.

    I wonder if this would happen if I used Inclue Even Sheet twice in the same layout, or only if the second Include was in another Included sheet. Interesting...

  • Actually, if I change the coin value to 5, it gives 5 points twice. Even if I disable every other event in that event sheet, it still does it. If I put that command on another included event sheet, it starts working correctly...

    Edit: I already checked for multiple coins. I had even created a whole new object to perform the same thing and it had the same problem.

  • I am working on a simple platformer and at first the coins/score worked fine, but all of a sudden each coin started giving 20 points instead of 10. I notice that it quickly changes from 0 to 10 to 20 when I pick up the first coin (if I write it a way that makes the score changing slower). This means it is adding 10 points TWICE for each coin.

    I have this for the score/coin system:

    Always - Score: Set text to PlayerModel.Value('Score')

    On Collision between PlayerModel and GoldCoin - GoldCoin Destroy, PlayerModel: Add 10 to 'Score'

    I have tried a lot of different combinations of things, including Is Overlapping, but no matter what I do, it always gives 10 points twice. I even made a new object to replace the coin, but it doesn't work either.

    =/ Help please!

    Edit: For my level I am using Included Event Sheets and a seperate event sheet for some stuff. When I put that event on the linked event sheet, it works right! Does that mean there's something wrong with the event sheet?

  • I'm working on large levels and, hey, this would be a problem with just about ANY size level in a game, but I need to be able to zoom out in the layer editor. It SHOULD be able to scale it, but can it? If it can't, then, well, it is absurdly inefficient for making any game with a decent sized layout. =/

  • I have a targeting box that needs to be destroyed when an enemy is destroyed, but then needs to be created again when I lock onto another enemy. I can't get it to create the new target box ONLY if there isn't one already on the screen. I tried "Invert Condition" with "Is Object on Screen?" but it didn't work. Right now, it will create a new box every time I lock onto an enemy, with the old box(es) moving to the newly locked on enemy or even creating more on the same enemy.

    Also, I want the box to be destroyed when the specific enemy it is following is destroyed, but if I use Object on Screen or Is Visible, it sees other enemies of the same type and won't destroy the box.

  • I'm making a top-down space shooter and want to add in lock on missiles that the player can fire from his ship. I already have a battle cruiser enemy that spawns fighters which follow and shoot at the player, but I can't figure out how to make a missile lock on system so that I can lock on to an enemy, fire a missile, then have the missile track that specific enemy even if there are others of the same kind on the screen. Anyone know how?

  • Okay, thanks. And yeah, I'm starting with a small project first. My current project is a top-down space shooter.

  • I want to make an RPG with a turn/order based system like Blue Dragon or FFX. In Blue Dragon, at the top of the screen is a thing that shows in what order everyone will be able to move, with some players being able to move twice before someone else can go once. Move order and how often they can move is based on an Agility stat. Also, some moves make the player take longer to be able to move again. The move would add a certain amount of delay (probably relative to his Agility still). You can also charge up attacks (which delays when you actually use the attack and is still Agility determined), but I don't really plan on using something as complex as that.

    Is there any way to make something like this?

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Mr Wolf

Member since 31 Jan, 2010

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