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  • Thank you for your answer.

    I tried it, and it works, but just for one block per time. I mean: if the character walks on a series of these blocks, only the first disappears.

    Any ideas?

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  • Hi all!

    I've just discovered this great program. I was thinking about buying Multimedia Fusion 2, but now I will use Construct because it seems to be much better!

    I'm making a simple platform game, and I want to have a platform that, when my character goes on it, this gradually becomes transparent until it disappear. I'm trying to do it, but it doesn't work. I'm doing like this: I created a Sprite object for the platform, and I set Solid attribute to True. I added a Fade behavior to platform, but not active when layout starts. In the event sheet I added event Collision between Character and Platform. The actions are "Set fade behavior Activated" and "Start fade".

    But when my character collides with Platform, nothing happens.

    Could you tell me a way to do what I want? Thank you, and merry Christmas!

K1kk0z90's avatar


Member since 25 Dec, 2009

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