When i've time, i will create an example with two players.
For now, i explain to you.
You just have to add 5 cards for each player first.
In each card, there is an instance variable called "CardNumber" (1,2,3,4 & 5 for the first player).
Create for example 5 more cards, and change the "CardNumber" vars for these to 6,7,8,9,10.
Duplicate some parts of the block of events and paste it after.
(You'll have to create an A.I for the other players)
Change the reference to the 1,2,3,4,5 cards to access the 6,7,8,9,10 cards.
Duplicate vars and arrays you need for each player and edit the events.
Once you've done that, you have to replace the events that show what you have in your hand by a comparison, as explained before.
There is a variable, at the end, which contain the value of what you have. (TWO PAIRS, THREE OF A KIND, etc...)
Juste compare this var to the same var duplicated for each player, and you'll know who win.
In case of equality, you'll have to compare the sorted hands arrays.
I don't understand why you talk about 2 additional cards for each players.
Do you mean that only two cards can be replaced ?
Because i don't know a poker game with 7 cards in a hand.
Can you explain further.