Thank you Silent Cacophony and R0J0hound for your help. I've used bit of both. Here's what I've got so far ... ncovka.cap ... ncovka.exe
It works but I still have some problems
How can I make objects use variables, so I can make use of FOR
FOR "" 1 to 12
Look into the .cap, is there a way how to make it better optimized? I have On Click On Object for every 12 objects. Can I use just one event for all?
When I input, say 25 into a box and than I click on that box again, the bleeping cursor in the EditBox stays at the beginning and adds numbers before 25 and not after.
How can I add that bleeping cursor into a box so it will not look that empty
Sorry for all those questions. I've wanted to use numbers for object names like 100 instead of onehundred but I got errors. And finally when I save the .cap on my home PC I can't open it on my work laptop even it's same version. I think, that I only have one plugin installed on home comp but it's not included in the .cap
note - currency is in CZK