I just discovered Construct about a week ago and have been very impressed with it so far. Having come from using other editors like OpenBOR and Game Maker, it's already easier and has more of the features I need even at this early stage. However, I'm running into what's probably a pretty noob problem and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.
I'm using the following code to make a character (named Pink) that can move back and forth and attack. Pink needs to stop moving when she attacks, thus the "Pinkcanmove" variable. However, I'm running into two problems with this code:
- If you press attack while walking, the animation flashes one frame for a split second and then she keeps walking. I want to have it so that when you press attack, the command overrides the movement, she stops moving, and the attack animation comes out.
- If you press left or right during the attack animation, that animation is interrupted and mirrored. I understand the mirroring (there are left and right attack animations), but not why you can switch animations in the middle of the attack. I'd like to stop this from happening.
Here is the code:
<img src="http://webpages.charter.net/designerspecial/code.jpg">
Pink is using Platform movement even though she only moves left and right.
Sorry to ask, I just couldn't find a solution to this in the Platform tutorial or on the Wiki (but maybe I missed something). Thank you very much in advance.