I’d be interested in a simple tool to create 3D games. There are unlimited features that could be added to a 3D engine, so I’m curious what minimal feature set could be to still be fun and enjoyable to use.
Lately I’ve been less interested in flashy special case features, and more interested in simple core features that could be used to build those special case features.
So what would such a program have? I’m sure we all have a varying list of things we would want.
* object types: camera, 3D mesh
* A level editor to place, size, orient said objects
* a way to get keyboard input as a minimum
* an event/simple scripting system to move stuff about.
* we’d want functions and some kind of arrays at least.
If we could access all the mesh data with expressions, even better.
After that I have a cascading list of ideas. Lol. But those basics could be enjoyable. In that base state there would be lots of math to do stuff, but I don’t think it too bad. Simpler helper functions could be made to hide the math.
Of course there would always be things to optimize and improve.
The dream feature list would be:
* editor built with same engine for ease of adding editor features.
* a simple way to make shaders in the editor without using glsl.
Ahh it’s fun to dream and design in your head. Kudos to anyone that takes such a dream and try’s to make such a thing for fun.