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  • I haven't found any, let me know if you do, and I'll see if I can fix it.

    actually, one downside could be that it only supports bounding box collisions, so angled platforms are not possible, but there is a new angled box collision mode in r2, so that should be remedied any day now.

  • wanted to find all the official c2 tuts today, so clicked on ashleys name in the tutorial, and saw all posts by him, and badges, etc. it'd be useful if it listed all tutorials as well.

  • I tried your cap. if you use On Pressed and just add

    Play Animation, after Set Animation to "seat down"

    it works fine

    <img src="" border="0" />

    there seems to be a separate problem with the standing animation, and possibly the animationalert variable

  • link to article

    just the vids:



  • i think this is more of a feature than a bug

    just add a set frame to 0 action along with the seating animation

    i think (not sure) that if you do another play animation action it might automatically do this as well

    so Set Animation to "Seat Down"

    Play Animation

    having it keep the same frame is useful sometimes, when transitioning between walking and running animations and such, or several animations that represent multiple angles

  • no problem, glad it works!

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  • yeah, I actually just discovered this yesterday, but it's after the final commit for r2, so this fix won't happen officially until r3, but tell me if this works for you as well:

    copy over plugins/runtime (NOT plugins/) folder

  • ah damn, I typed a detailed reply filled with ideas, etc. too lazy to go into again, so Thanks Tulamide for the links!

  • Mr miller, I actually have a few ideas for how speech synthesis could be improved drastically with procedural inflection, and emotion using the recorded phenomes type of synthesis, unfortunately when I asked a similar question a long time ago, the responses I got suggested it was using a built windows speech synthesis feature that doesn't have much flexibility. The source code is not available on the svn, either, so I can't check.

  • I would just make a global var(flip) if you're trying to flip every single sprite. make it equal -1 when you want them flipped, and 1 when you don't



  • <img src="" border="0" />

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