lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • zsangerous, thank you!


    that issue has been resolved. Uninstall using the uninstaller in your installation directory, and download the beta again, linked directly under the video for the kickstarter my signature links to

    after a complete uninstall, this version has fixed the problem for the users that had it. Anyone else who wasn't having problems, you don't need this version, there are no other updates.

  • Going to try some other places soon, but if anyone wants to do me a favor, and has a mac that runs Parallels or similar software to use windows, please let me know if Spriter works there. you can download the beta directly below the video here:

    same for anyone who uses linux and can test on Wine, I'd really appreciate it as well.

    Thanks to anyone who can help!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • thanks Tom, just did. not sure if my lengthy responses were proper reddiquette, but at least they have some answers. Awesome seeing so much interest in one place!

    And thank you !

    PS.It looks like we might get to [edit: forgot how to divide]20%[/edit] in the first 24 hours!!! Woohoo!

  • gonzdevour . We'll update the installer as soon as we can, a small percentage of people are having this problem. It's usually easily fixed by going to the installation directory, and deleting everything except the exe, and the sample files. The extra files are in there are so people wouldn't have to install extra components, but it's causing problems on certain configurations. Please let me know if that works for you.

  • Woohoo! over 1k in first 12 hours. If we can continue this momentum, we have a great shot of getting there!

    I recently purchased Spriter Pro. How does this Kickstarter Project relate to what I purchased? Should I pledge more money? Spriter really sounds cool.

    Please do if you can afford to, and more importantly please spread the word. All that was promised at purchase will be delivered regardless of the success of this Kickstarter Project. The Kickstarter will fund the continued full-time development of Spriter, which would get all of the unfinished features, including the C2 plugin itself, into your hands much more quickly.

    This looks amazing. Done a facebook/twitter/G+ post on it.Thank you very much! for both the kind words, and for passing the word along.

  • Hi everyone!

    This is the home stretch. Please continue to share with the world. Also, please read the following document on how procedural animation will work in post 1.0 Spriter. Begin on page 8 if you read the previous document. Please share with everyone, and please excuse the typos.

    Thanks again, everyone!

  • Hello fellow Scirrans,

       Please read this first document about Spriter 1.0's unique and powerful 2D Rigging system, and spread the word far and wide these last 10 days if you think it's as cool as we do:

    2D Rigging in Spriter 1.0

  • kickstarter page submitted and awaiting finsl approval

  • Kickstarter has been submitted as is awaiting final approval.

  • increased two times in size? delgado

    also Animmaniac, I guess I just replied to this thread last time without reading other replies, cuz I didn't see that graphic last time. it really does look great/tutorial material

  • This is actually a problem of 2d graphics in general, not just these two packages. As far as it not saving in particular, I'm not sure. But I took a look at the graphics is poofmagic.rar, and as I suspected, there are tons of frames of animations for what looks like it will be on very short, but very smooth animation. Even if you could save your file, animating in this way would soon make your game unplayable because VRAM fills up very quickly. In this same forum, you'll find a thread about Spriter, a program/plugin that will alleviate this problem, and as will be demonstrated soon, can even be used to create effects like poofs and explosions. However, even without Spriter, there are some things you can do to help you with your problem. The images you have there haven't been trimmed of their empty space. Most of them have more memory taken up by empty transparent pixels around the borders than the actual poof itself. Photoshop's image|trim will automatically trim this blank space for you, and I suspect most other image software has similar functions. Also, once trimmed, you can also save VRAM by using power of 2 textures - this thread has alot of useful information about the problem, and most of the questions people ask might be some you have yourself about the technique. Once again, this isn't a construct specific problem, and if you've ever wondered why no games (other than one's using a multisprite technique like spriter) have large characters that animate very smoothly, this is why.

  • Congrats on getting funded, lucid! Spriter is looking fantastic.

    Thanks, blight is looking fantastic as well. but spriter hasn't been funded, it's just a screenshot of what I'm working on....getting funded <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> I'll be posting more about it when the kickstarter is up and running...probably posting alot about it :)

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