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  • no problem. also fixed the link for anyone else.

  • Hi everyone, thanks for your patronage and support.

    UberLou, the reason this is happening is because you have to manually name the items in the other animation as well. The next version of Spriter will make this more simple along with having default names. In the meantime, here's the file I've been using.

    EDIT: also, thanks Kyatric, for fixing the links.

  • Thank you very much everyone for the support

    Download the plugin here

    A few things to note about the plugin in it's current state, to ensure it imports correctly:

      <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Please make sure every object is named in Spriter. Do this by double clicking the object name in the bone hierarchy view. (there is a control to unhide sprites at the top of this window). In the next build of Spriter, all objects will automatically be given a default name. <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">This plugin does not work with bones at all yet. The import will fail if you attempt to import a boned project. <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">All objects must exist on every frame for it to display correctly. (There will be a new plugin release in a couple of days that fixes this problem).

    Please keep in mind as Ashley said, this is still very much in the early stages, so all of the above caveats will be corrected soon. Please report any bugs or suggestions in this thread for now.

  • khalan is correct on all counts. Indie license increases to $75 in december. Indie license is equivalent to a commercial license, just at a discount for smaller indie devs. Any purchases made before the price increase will count as commercial licenses when that one becomes available. There is currently, and always will be, a very useful free version as well.

  • hi mammoth.

    they're just regular images. You animate by moving around the images, and scaling and rotating them, removing them, or swapping them out. Then when it's imported to C2, the plugin will recreate that same animation in realtime.

  • Hi NRABrazil,

       I did miss a few things in my description of what to do, so this is the most likely problem. First, every object needs to have a name in Spriter, (double click a sprite or bone in persistent object palette, or bone hierarchy view to rename) the next release of Spriter will give default names even if you don't name them, but in the meantime that's the most likely problem. Also this early version c2 plugin doesn't yet work with bones, or nonpersistent(untweened) objects.

       However, I have to recommend you not to bother with this version at this point. Just got another email from Ashley, and he's made quick progress, and the automatic version of the plugin should be coming soon. Also, I'll most likely add bones before then as well.

       Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • yes uberlou, that's near the top of the todo list, and will be coming thing month.

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  • Surely looks fancy !

    But that would be nice if the object would automaticaly imported into a subfolder of the objects folder , You know ... So much objects !

    something like that is planned as well.

  • Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Buy Spriter Pro:

    How do I import my Spriter project into Construct 2?

    Download Plugin

    Recent Plugin Changes:

    • 1-12-2019
      • fixed a bug that made it so the plugin would continue attempting to load a file while a load was already in progress (with Cordova exports)
      • fixed a bug where changing layouts to one where the project was already cached could cause it to ignore the 'starting animation' property and default to the first animation in the entity instead
    • 1-10-2019
      • Fixed a bug that prevented the plugin from initializing on Cordova iOS builds
    • 1-2-2019
      • Fixed a bug that prevented events from triggering
  • voted! was actually just contemplating suggesting this to you guys a couple of days ago.

  • thanks rojo

  • Hi,

       Unfortunately I don't have anything setup to work on CC plugins anymore. I don't even have Visual Studio installed, and won't until it's time to make the Spriter plugin for Construct Classic, which is a ways off. It's barely changed from the vanilla sprite plugin, so anyone with basic plugin knowledge should be able to work something out.

    Here's the source code:

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