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  • check it: not much new, just a better font, and some internal stuff

    and thanks newt

    I'll give it a try.

  • I want to submit a bug report, but I'd like some verification as to whether or not I'm missing something:

    the following code:

    destroys all MySprites,

    creates one MySprite,

    and sets the frame to MyInteger

    //destroy previous instances

    CRunObject** instances;
    int count;
    pRuntime->GetTypeInstances(MySpriteType, instances, count);
    if (instances != NULL) 
    	CRunObject** i = instances;
    	CRunObject** end = instances + count;
    	for ( ; i != end; ++i)
    //Create One New Instance
    [code:bwqd537a]MySprite = pRuntime->CreateObject(MySpriteType,0,pLayout); [/code:bwqd537a]
    //Set Animation Frame to MyInteger
    //stop animation
    [code:bwqd537a]MySprite->info.curAnim->speed=0; [/code:bwqd537a]
    If you set MyInteger to anything other than  0 (frame 1 inside construct) it works as expected:
    destroys all sprites, creates a new one, sets the frame to MyInteger
    if MyInteger is set to frame 0, it works as expected ONLY IF you have a MySprite on the screen area of your layout at startup. 
    If it is off screen at startup, the sprite will be invisible when you set it to frame 0;
    occasionally (rarely) it'll blink on for a split second if you have it set to Always (but it's instantaneously gone, you can barely even see it)
    it doesn't make a difference if you destroy on startup or not
    and I isolated the code down to this specific combination of commands.
    if you don't destroy the other instances first, setting it to the first frame works fine
    and if you have the sprite on your startup view, it works fine
    and if you set it to any other frame it works fine regardless of where the sprite is or isn't in the layout upon startup
    to be clear it doesn't matter whether you place this action in "on start of layout" or later, it just matters whether there is a MySprite on your layout in the visible square inside the layout editor
  • don't feel like a retard

    there's alot you won't know in the beginning, asking, and looking through caps, and reading the wiki is the only way to learn stuff

    I only learned about the linear filtering thing a few weeks ago, while messing around with random stuff.

    it's not like people are born knowing how to use construct

    nah mean?

  • Hi!

    Awesome work with this object, I'm pretty excited by it. If there were features I'd request, it would be that we can have functions to manipulate any character in the character array by index, as well as the "for each". This way, we can use the index value as an offset for certain effects. I'd like to be able to sinescroll the characters, but also maybe adjust their width/height/rotation too. I imagine this could mean that every character in the array could have a subproperty for x/y/width/height/rotation which could be accessed/stored in the object, unless you think that's too feature specific or memory intensive or something.

    all of this is possible

    the expression for index in array will be Position in phrase


    For a wishlist feature, it would be cool to have UTF-8 support, so we can for example have a separate character set for another language, or special symbols in-game. Control characters would be nice, too, such as to force newline, print one character over another, prompt for the next block of text and display a symbol (think RPG dialog boxes), or signify EOF.

    after the initial beta release I will be looking into expanding the possible character set

    but force newline will be possible, with the same "newline" expression you can use for regular text boxes

    printing one character over another will be possible by offsetting the individual character position, but when the beta is out, you'll have to tell me if it works the way you mean.

    being able to make a character that prompts for the next block of text is a good idea, and I will do my best to include something to allow that functionality in the initial version.

    I'm not sure what you mean with the EOF. I was going to add file support, but you can already use the construct file object to load strings, and I don't like the idea of people being able to read spoilers for games by opening text files in the directory, but this is the second time someone asked for text from file, so I'll include that.

    [quote:1kp71c73]I agree with others that in the future a tile blitter would be really neat (especially for making tile engines with the data and graphics separate, such as for changing seasons or time of day; or "layered" top-down engines which have different collision maps depending on the z height), but that would widen the scope for an object like this too much, especially when there are features specific to text blitting and features specific to tile blitting.

    yes, that is a matter for a separate object, I have been considering making a complete tile based editor, and a corresponding object to load them easily into construct, but I have a personal project I want to get off the ground first, and I'm also holding a little bit longer to see if aeal releases his level editor, and whether or not we're making the same basic thing


    Anyway, here's where I get all my graphical fonts:

    thanks alot! although the site is down it seems at the moment:

    the "Spin me around and make me happy!" link is broken

    EDIT::now it works!!! thanks...this is exactly what I needed!


    EDIT: Also since I'm new to construct, I don't know if this would be possible, but are you able to use the SDK to clip a layer using your graphical font as a mask? If that were possible, we could make really cool "paint behind" effects, such as fake "copper", palette shifting backgrounds, stuff like that.

    you will be able to do this with just construct itself, without the sdk, since the fonts are sprites, you can just add the 'erase' or 'mask' effects to the font sprite(and set the layer to "force own texture")to do just that

    thanks for the input, and welcome to construct!!


    <img src="">

  • in fact, I've started my own large project in the as-yet unreleased next build of Construct

    release it! release it! what a tease!

  • for anyone interested, no link, cuz im on my cel in the bathroom, and not much time. but it should be a cinch to find on google.. beautiful game, especially on pc

  • construct supports python scripting, and you can write plugins in c++ using the sdk. i personally plan to start my big project in the near future regardless, but as an example, soldjahboy's tonks project stopped working with this latest version of construct. a few things i would advise is turn on automatic backups, and make sure to back up frequently and incrementally(mygame.cap, mygame1.cap). 98.9 is stable, so if that has the features you need start there, but yeah, if its a large project the safe bet would be to focus on testing stuff now, to see whether or not your game logic works, how graphical effects will look etc. by the time youre done testing all your game mechanics you should have a better idea about whether you want to trust the unstable versions or not

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  • welcome to construct, kingkibble

    just a quick comment on the graphics card, check with someone you know, if you're not sure what will fit on your motherboard, but if you look here, you'll see there are directx9 capable cards for as low as $25. you won't be playing crysis on them, buy honestly, if you can't run the tutorials it will be hard to learn much(because of your hardware limitations). the tutorials are about as basic as you can get, as far as the graphics power needed:

  • I think it would be CRunObject* type, link

  • whoa, you're double awesome today ashley!


    so plugins made with this will not work in 98 construct, right?

  • thanks ash, you rock

    I was totally lost in the sprite collision test vector iteration Sol modification code

    now I can finish the rest of this plugin, and I'll have time to read my c++ pdfs

  • I know you don't have time to teach me c++, ash

    but honestly, I just need to get around this so I can get the other bitmap text stuff done on my weekend

    I'll be learning about vectors on a later date,

    but I just need to destroy all instances, so if anyone, ashley or otherwise

    wants to help me out with

    GetTypeInstances(CRunObjType* pType,  CRunObject**& instancesList, int& count)[/code:27394pvf]
    I'm pretty much lost on the whole thing
    I get that I need to pass it a pointer to a pointer to a CRunObject, but I'm really just shooting in the dark reading through the sprite plugin, and trying to speed learn vectors
    given pType, and an int named count
    how do I set up a loop iterating through all the instances?
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