== Actions ==
Connect (connect to the first available remote)
Set report level (buttons only/+accelerometer/+infrared, higher settings use more power, balance board does not use this setting)
Set rumble (on/off)
Set LEDs (1/0 for each led)
Set joystick deadzone (0.0 - 1.0, default 0.03, 1.0 would filter out everything )
Reset weight calibration (recalibrate BB at rest)
== Conditions ==
Connection lost
Button pressed
Button down
Button released
Nunchuk connected
Is balance board (checks if this remote is actually a BB)
== Expressions ==
Pitch (In degrees -180 to 180)
Roll (In degrees, -90 to 90, 0 is level, remote can't detect upside-down)
Orientation X
Orientation Y
Orientation Z
Acceleration X
Acceleration Y
Acceleration Z
Battery level (percentage)
IR X (interpolated 0-1.0 from all leds)
IR Y (same as above)
IR Z (Estimated led size, very rough)
Raw IR X (led number 1-4)
Raw IR Y (led number 1-4)
IR Report level
LED status (Sensor bar led groups seen, bar has 2 but remote can track 4)
Update age (in milliseconds, if age is too much orientation data might be
Joystick X
Joystick Y
Nunchuk pitch
Nunchuk roll
Nunchuk acceleration X
Nunchuk acceleration Y
Nunchuk acceleration Z
Nunchuk Orientation X
Nunchuk Orientation Y
Nunchuk Orientation Z
Nunchuk Update age
Nunchuk Deadzone X
Nunchuck Deadzone Y
Total weight (in KG)
Top left weight
Top right weight
Bottom left weight
Bottom right weight