[quote:1opebff4]System: Group "nick ja score on" is activated
lootaAppend text "asdasdasdasd" + " " + score 0 .Text + " " + nick 1 .Text + " " + "asdasd"
hashAppend text MD5 0 .MD5String(loota 1 .Text)
SendSet button text to "Sending"
HTTPGet from URL "http://retard-ed.net/hiscore/kehari2.6/SendScore.php?Score="+ score 0 .Text + "&Nick="+ nick 1 .Text +"&HASH=" +hash 2 .Text
SystemDisable group "nick ja score on"
SCOREXXXSet 'score' to 0
anticheat2Set 'real' to 0
SCOREXXXSet 'Anti' to 0
SCOREXXXSet 'score2' to 0
I modified few lines that contains info whats isnt public becous of m5 hashing but my hiscore works something like that.