Thanks for all the feedback I'll make some adjustments.
<img src="">
Get your rocket safely home to the landing pad.
Use keys to controll the rocket.
And don't hit anything. It's extremely fragile
Found it! Thanks
Hmmmm... Wouldn't it be great with an "essential cap" thread?
An Q&A with cap files.
Just wondered how to make an sprite shring and grow based on "depth"?
For exsample:
<img src="">
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Thanks for the feedback:)
I agree on all you points.
The button on menu was because I was in a hurry.
The "click on object" function did not work. Strange. Have to take a look tomorrow.
Now its beertime
Pink Monsters Prefer Fruit
<img src="">
Avoid getting glass in the monsters mouth and his/her(?) tentacles.
Left Click shoots the object out the left window.
Right click......Guess
My latest coffee break game: Pink Monsters prefer Fruit
Wow! What an timesaver:) I should really read the tuts and wiki
Yes, I think my new version needs an quick tut, or maybe just som flashing arrows on the first level to show what you can move. Thanks for the feedback
Cool tune. Get's me thinking of my old Amiga 500
Thanks:) Now I get it. It has been a mystery to me since my MMF-days
I don't get loop.
How do I use them?
Can anyone upload an exsample .cap with some comments?
Member since 22 Jun, 2008