Oh ok. But can you add the full version to your website? What you can do then is upload an iframe of the embedded version onto here. My computer is a little too old to install and play most steam games. One more thing as an idea you should make controllers compatible.
covid vibes also it would be cool if you added sounds
Alors pourquoi utiliser le comportement d’ancrage s’il semble pire ?
Merci! Je connais aussi un moyen de créer une interface utilisateur
(texte avant) Ce n'est pas un problème :
Si vous l'avez fait correctement (et je me souviens de tout), alors vous ne devriez pas avoir d'interface utilisateur problématique !
Thank You! Also I know a way to create a UI
(front text) That is not glitchy:
If you did it correctly (and I remember Everything) then you should have not glitchy UI!
Now looking at the title screen it kinda looks like those old flash games. Anyways comment what I should make next im srsly out of ideas. My website with my other non-construct games/projects: https://hotdoguy90.github.io/
At level 13 it bugs out can you fix it or if there is not supposed to be a level 13 then maybe a "thanks for playing"? (Au niveau 13, il y a un bug, pouvez-vous le réparer ou s'il n'est pas censé y avoir de niveau 13, alors peut-être un « merci d'avoir joué » ? Si tu ne parles pas anglais)
When this game comes out will you upload the full version here?
Its very good! Can you make a walkthrough? I also think this a very good for your first major game. One more thing, I think voice acting for this game would be pretty sweet
can you make it able to reset
what did bro make
Are you a child? My first suggestion is to get better at graphics. There are many places where you can do so. You can draw Pixel Art at https://www.pixilart.com/draw/ and normal art at https://www.sketch.io/sketchpad/
Member since 1 Nov, 2023