Yeah I thought "This is gonna be GAAAAAAAAY" and then I played it... and didn't stop until 4AM. I am a sick drummer... apparently. I never touched anything like this before and managed to finish every song (on easy mode mind you) with an average of about 92-95%.
Nobody else could drum as good as me except one of my friends, but he prefers the guitar or singing... so I got to be drummer the whole time. I suck at singing rock/pop music, and the guitar kinda scares me... mainly due to the fact it was a "rule" that the guitarist had to wear this hideous mullet wig while playing.
Anyone else played this? ***** fun as hell!
May post pictures later... I KNOW people were taking them.
*Conditions apply - Must be at crazy party with much alcohol, much drunk peoples, and much live adult entertainment. Playing Rock Band with a stipper on your lap is NOT recommended... she gets in the way of the drums!