> I don't mind GetText > What do you mean by GetText?
> I don't mind GetText
What do you mean by GetText?
Easy translate support. Gettext is used by many opensource projects (eg. SuperTuxKart, Warzone 2100, Pidgin, etc.)
More info Wikipedia
I don't mind GetText, multiplatform, SDL and OpenGL support
Very simple and powerfull program
Here's Flash version: http://freegamer.blogspot.com/2010/02/g ... flash.html
Nice tutorial, it's very useful
Could I translate it into Polish and place at Polish Construct blog?
Try OpenGameArt
<img src="http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs264.snc1/9131_155525689007_597014007_3499628_7531721_n.jpg"> I love Kangaroos
<img src="http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs264.snc1/9131_155525689007_597014007_3499628_7531721_n.jpg">
I love Kangaroos
So cute ^^
Time for me:
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3 ... 1320663566
From my name (Patryk) and day and month of birthsday (13th March; Friday). It's patryk1303
However, there's one big problem: they don't work on Windows XP![/code:3cizza59]
Let's correct this:
Microsoft has worked hard on DirectX 10 and 11(...). However, there's one big problem: they don't work on Windows XP![/code:3cizza59] Can you see? OpenGL (up to newest) WORKS on Windows XP, but DirectX 10 and 11 doesn't work!
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
<img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_hqT_jbi3Wm8/SKAqRJd0LUI/AAAAAAAACPY/kDQ8p1bBTHg/s400/bond.jpg">
Nice game :*
Sorry, I can't test this - my graphics card doesn't support PS 2.0 ;(
Member since 1 Apr, 2008