Okay, I've been trying this out for a while, and am still not sure how to go about it, or if it is impossible to do in Construct.
I'm designing a game at 16:10 widescreen resolution, 1440 x 900. The game runs in full-screen. Obviously, on a 16:10 monitor, it displays on the full screen, and what I'd like to happen is, on dfferent resolutions (16:9, 4:3), for the game to run in 16:10 resolution with black bars at the top and bottom, so none of the objects are stretched. This currently doesn't seem possible to do.
At the moment, if I try and run an app with a native 16:10 resolution in fullscreen on a non-16:10 monitor, it doesn't even open, citing a DirectX issue. I can make the app in 4:3 resolution, and it will open on widescreen monitors, but the display is stretched. I hate it when games do that
Does anyone have any idea how I can make this work? Is it achievable with layer zooming, and if so, how, as I've had no luck using this method so far.
Many thanks,