NotTimTam's Recent Forum Activity

  • Just do this:

    When (CROUCH) key is down:

    Player (Set animation to "CROUCHING ANIMATION")

    Player (Set max platform speed to 0)

  • That worked thanks a ton

  • dop2000 how do I save a json file in local storage, local storage is like a dictionary I thought.

  • I need more info. What are you using to make your player move?

  • Just create a ducking animation for the player with the collision box angling to fit it. (that way collisions with the player cannot occur above the player. Then, if you are using the platformer behavior, just set his speed to 0 while the crouch key is being held...

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  • I'm not sure how Construct 3 saves and loads files exactly. Essentially I created a JSON file called "keyconfig.json" that has a few lines of data where the key name is the name of the button and the value is the KEYBOARD keycode that I want. I so far have code working to grab those values and assign them to in-game variables and I have code that changes the JSON values when you change stuff in the keyconfig prompt. But it is only temporary, if you close and reopen the game all of the JSON values are reset to their initial value. How can I make construct SAVE the data to the JSON file permanently?

    	"up": 38,
    	"down": 40,
    	"left": 37,
    	"right": 39,
    	"b": 90,
    	"a": 88,
    	"start": 27,
    	"select": 13
  • I didn't even think of using a string to store typed characters. Brilliant. Thanks a ton dop2000

  • I am trying to add a secret menu to my game that is activated by using the Kunami Code (UPUPDOWNDOWNLEFTRIGHTLEFTRIGHTBAEnter) I know how to register multiple keys being held, but how do I detect if certain keys are hit one after another in a certain amount of time. I was thinking possible to have a countdown variable and if all the keys are hit before it hits 0 it would open the menu, but I don't have a clue how to make it detect if they are hit in the right order. Thanks for the help!

  • So I want to create a Terraria-esque game using tilemaps. I have the breaking and placing of blocks working great. But there is an issue, I want to make different tiles take a certain amount of time to mine. You can't set certain tiles to have specific variables like that. What do I do?

  • k thanks

  • I am making a game where when I play an audio file, the guys mouth should open based on the current loudness. Like if its a loud sound, his mouth is open wider, and a quiet sound he opens it a little. How do I get the current volume level on the audio? I am using the block script not javascript. I have no clue how to get this value from Audio

  • Duh! Thanks so much! I didn't even think of using a boolean...

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