any idea?
dude, i do not understand how i can create it, can you create simple capx?
and please , you suppose my game have has 50000px width, how can i put my waypoints?
thank you
Hi LittleStain,
I want to create game like "Super Mario" but with click and point method, not strategic or isometric and etc...
Question is clean, How do I Can Create Platform pathfinding with click & point game making method?
I want order character with touch or mouse.
best regard.
Oh, Thank you, Why i did not see that before?
Is there any help for How do an Event when sound or music playing stop?
how i can check music or sound is stop after playing?
OK, I use like that write here and it work, thank you
Thank you for reply, but i'm new in C2, How ca i use that?
my global variable is : callnumber and it is the textbox value
can i use the : "left(callnumber , len(callnumber ) - 1) " in textbox set text?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
i create a program like calculator with C2 but i need to subtract the last number to first if Del button clicked.
in my source i use system every tick to show the textbox value...
please help me,
best regards.
Hi, I want to create Sniper game with C2,
I Set the crosshair to my mouse and touch,
But; How I can zoom in and zoom out crosshair Or create enemy shoot to player?
is there any Idea?
Has anybody a sniper example with construct2 ?
thank you .
Member since 8 Jan, 2015