damon380's Recent Forum Activity

  • Noted on your suggestion on using boolean. I will test it out. Thanks!

  • I have 2 layouts - Menu and Game

    Global variable



    I have a pause button that calls a function which will then create

    pause menu




    For resume and restart event, it works correctly.

    Upon resume touched - call function -destroy pausemenu

    -set timescale to 1.0

    -set pause to 0

    -set isplaying to 1

    Upon restart touched - - call function -destroy pausemenu

    -set timescale to 1.0

    -restart global variables to default

    -restart layout

    However, my quit event dont seem to be going back to the first menu layout

    Upon quit touched - - call function -destroy pausemenu

    -Go to Menu

    -restart global variables to default

    Can someone advise if there is something wrong with how I am putting in the events?

    I basically just want to quit the 2nd(game layout) and go back to the 1st(Menu layout).

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  • Noted.Will test it out.thanks

  • I have two layout -Game & Menu whereby the menu event sheet will (on any touch start)-sprite-Play->Go to Layout -Game

    In the Game event sheet, I have

    Touch ->on any touch end , Gun -Spawn bullet

    I seem to be unable to stop the gun from spawning once I touch on sprite-Play" and it goes to next layout-Game.

    I tried the global variables e.g in Game event sheet but dont seem to be getting it right.

    Any samples that I can refer to? Thanks

  • Thanks. will give it a go.

  • Hi.

    Just started to use construct 2 based on tutorials and wanted to know how do I create a form that requires player to enter name and email before the game starts? Is there a plugin or tutorial that I can refer to?


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Member since 4 Dec, 2014

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