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  • Hello! I'm wondering if any member on this forum has ever made Facebook web app (game that is playable directly on facebook)? I have looked at documentation and tutorials about Facebook object, but i'm still having some questions.

    -How do you automatically login to Facebook?

    Facebook login action requires that you must click on something in order for login window to popup, you can't put Login to FB action in "On start of layout" event. So, how FB login works on Facebook directly, is there any way to login as soon your app is loaded?

    -Size of layout?

    What is the size of layout for Facebook web app? I'm currently developing my game on 720p resolution.

  • Thanks! It's working! Only thing i lost is blinking cursor on TextBox, but i can live with it

  • I'm making some kind of text parser, and i'm having this stupid problem <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    I have figured out that Construct 2 is not activating Keyboard events while Textbox is focused (while i'm typing). Is there any way to change this or to make some kind of workaround? Anybody got similar experience with this?

    CAPX: https://app.box.com/s/f3fahtbhcff4srfi5fgncp30erygjvmo

  • Hahahahah, i'm so stupid

    I managed to generate CSV, using For Each XY element, adding values from the Array (with the "," next to it) to the Text object and when column is completed it's adding new line and then repeats this for whole Array.

    Thanks anyway rexrainbow ! Your plugins are the best!

  • I need Array2CSV not CSV2Array

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  • Is it possible to use this CSV plugin as array? I guess if i need to export my database as array, i will have to edit my project to use CSV instead of Array. I have looked at your examples, but i really can't figure this out, like why i have to name every colon and row?

  • I get this error when i try to export CSV string

    I am loading contents into CSV plugin with Load table from JSON string -> Array.AsJSON

    I also tried this with your example CAPX, so i guess i can't load Array into CSV, using Array.AsJSON expression.

    Loading to CSV throught JSON string is also not working

  • This is my event sheet, configuration of Backendless plugin and File permission settings:

    In example capx everything is working fine, but for some reason i get this error:

    I guess problem is with my keys because, when i enter my keys in Backendless API plugin in example capx i get this error.

  • Is it just me or i can't use more than one dialog box in my project? I'm making messageboard and i'm using this plugin to write message and send it to server. But if i add another dialog box (for setting username), then first dialog box is not working.

  • I really don't have a clue how to make this with construct

  • I'm working on a music sequencer app for Web and mobile devices. I have finally managed to make fully working drum sequencer than can store 5 different patterns and play them in sequence. Right now only there are only 7 different drum kits, but i'm planning to add custom kits (user can use his/her samples). After this i'm planning to add some kind of Roland TB-303 emulation (bass synth). Only thing not working right now is SOLO button.


      7 different drum kits Load and save drum pattern Play up to 5 patterns Set BPM

    TO DO:

      Bass synth (TB-303) or something similar Mixer with effects Make sequencer in different measures (1/4,1/8,1/16) Saving and loading whole project

    Preview here (use Chrome for best results): http://www.djape.tk/games/sequencer/

  • Right now in Construct you can only remove all audio effects, you can remove one specific effect. This is giving me a lot of headache, because i'm trying to make some kind of music sequencer with Construct.

    Some effects have MIX parameter, so i can turn them on or off with this, but some effects, like Mute, doesn't have this. Can you please add ON/OFF parameter for the mute effect or add another action that will disable specific effect?

    I know that you will say that there already is "Set Mute" action in Construct, but that action doesn't work in my case, because i'm triggering sound every few milliseconds and this action only applies to currently playing sound, so new sounds after this one will be unmuted.

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