Thank you for the feedback! I really appreciate it
It's really motivating to me that some of you were/are actually waiting to play the game, so here it is, click the image if you wish to download it:
Instructions: Arrow keys to move, S to jump, F to fight, G to shoot (if unlocked), 1/2/3 for activating abilities (depending on the type)
Currently there are:
-around 60 to 70 rooms that are chosen from the pool and generated as a level
-2 mini-bosses to fight against
-6 skills that you can buy in The Greed's Shop in The Temple of Sin, 3 affecting your stats passively and 3 active abilities
-2 unique run abilities, you can find one of them during the run in The Altar Room.
-7 enemies
Please note that it's just the early pre-alpha version of the game, there is around 10x times that stuff more to come and a lot of things will be changed/tweaked,
I hope you will like it and I can't wait to hear your feedback!
And if someone wants to know, here is how the game looked during its humble beginnings, months ago:
how it looks now:
Totally different games, right?