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  • So, it looks like the problem might've been that I was using Firefox. Tried it in Edge and everything worked as expected.

    It still doesn't explain why it worked a few days ago, though.

  • Thank you for your reply.

    While that makes sense, I don't understand why it worked fine a few days ago and not now. Plus, like you said, I would think keyboard interaction would count.

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  • So, I'm completely new to Construct.

    In one of my experiments, I added a sound that plays when collecting pick-ups. Worked fine. I come back a few days later, I changed a few things and suddenly the sound doesn't play...unless I click on the game...then the last sound will play for some reason.

    (I should add, everything I've made up to this point is keyboard control only.)

    Now, if I click somewhere in the game before I do anything, everything works as it should.

    And I'm trying to be specific when I say, "click on the game." Clicking on the Windows title bar does fix the issue.

    I also added sound to a different project and it has the same issue.

    Any idea what might be wrong?

    Thank you.

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