Is it possible to get another collection for advertising?
I would need the chartboost SDK for Construct 3, because if you want to buy ads there you need to integrate it for tracking.
I have a system template for the IronSource SDK. I preferred it instead of the Chartboost SDK since IronSource has the Chartboost SDK already included, the complete list:
- AdColony
- Admob
- Facebook
- AppLovin
- Chartboost
- HyprMX
- InMobi
- MediaBrix
- Millennial Media
- MoPub
- TapJoy
- Unity
- Vungle
And most especially for IronSource's Offerwall.
Although, it's hardcoded for my projects. I didn't release it with the collection since it can only be built using the Cordova CLI x Android Studio, it would be nearly impossible to support.
If you want a plugin for this, you can get a premium order, you can PM me there for the quote.
Also it would be nice to get a step by step tutorial how to fully integrate Google IAP with serverside verification (PHP).
I would also pay extra for these 2 features, just let me know how much this would cost.
The Mobile Master IAP already supports on providing the server credentials, with documentation.
I don't do PHP since I use the PlayFab Master Collection with the PlayFab service to do it for me, since it's a complete network backend system.
I do have a documentation for integrating the Mobile Master IAP with the PlayFab server, for IAP validation with both Android and iOS. I already have an addon for it, Real Currencies.
So, no need to pay for that. I hope I was of help.