i want make when i touch on the screen the player will shoot and the player's bullet wiil go to the touch posisition. please help me.
i want make gamestart menu like flappy bird (not the game just the begining). it's like the gamestart is in the same layout with "the game layout". i usully make a different layout for the game dan the gamemenu.
now i can compile my apps successfull
i never succes to compiled with cocoon.io
it always failed
i had eksport the fil to cordova and compress it with zip.
but it always android complication failed.
for me the jump speed at platform behaviour is too fast. how to make it slower? slower when jump up and going down too.
hi tks! i got it
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
eg i have 3 points * * * in layout and how to make each point create random objet in every x second.
i want make the points is like a hole will spawn a item bonus or enemy or a bomb. At x second maybe point number 1 and point number 3 create item bonus and at the same point number 2 create bomb.
sorry my bad english.
can i integrate Tappx with cranberry plugin
Member since 23 Sep, 2014