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  • Hi there. I've been using Construct casually for a while now, but it wasn't until recently that I've been seriously trying to make a game.

    My game is basically a mobile version of a light gun arcade shooter, like House of the Dead or Time Crisis. As of right now, I have the basic systems in where you tap the screen to damage enemies that spawn. Each enemy has their own life counter, and dies after a certain number of hits.

    Now here comes the part where I'm stuck: adding enemy attacks. I am currently focusing on making melee attacks, but this poses a problem.

    The way I want it to work is as such: when an enemy makes an attack, it puts a visual marker with a countdown or other timer imagery on the screen. The player must tap there with good timing to avoid being hurt, and possibly even stuns the enemy for a moment.

    I would provide an example picture, but apparently I am not allowed to post links yet?

    I am spawning an invisible hitbox centered on a red countdown number, which is placed over the attacking enemy. I am facing a few issues, the main which is that these attack boxes or hit boxes aren't tied directly to any specific enemy. If the enemy that is supposed to be melee attacking dies, the attack continues. Secondly, I do want to add stunning the enemy that is blocked, but as I said before, I don't know of a way to tie these attacks to specific enemies.

    I know how to do instance variables, but I don't know how that would help in this instance.

    Are there any ideas that might help me here?

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  • Hi there, everyone! This is my first post here. I've been using construct for a few months now, still trying to figure out what I'm trying to do, haha.

    I'm looking forward to being a part of the community!

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Member since 9 Sep, 2014

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