Using accounts and access codes with educational subscriptions

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Published on 11 Nov, 2019. Last updated 14 Apr, 2022

Access codes

We’ve already touched on access codes in this tutorial, but we’ll look at them in more depth in this section.

An access code allows a user to temporarily use a seat from an education subscription, without having to register an account with us. You can create codes for varying amounts of time from a few minutes to a few months depending on what you need.

Access codes are managed in the same place as seats – the "Your subscriptions" section of the Account menu.

Generating an access code

First, you’ll need to select the number of seats you want to use with the access code. You can then select how long you want the code to be valid for.

As an example, let’s say we need a code for a class of twenty students – we’d need to pick twenty as the number of seats required. And we’re going to give the class a new code each week, so each code can have a validity of one week.

You’ll then be shown the code which can be shared with the students you want to give access to. It’ll also show you when the code is due to expire and how many of your seats have been allocated (how many users have put the code into the editor.)

If at any point you want to revoke an active access code, you can find an End Access Code button which will set the code to expired.

Using access codes

Once an access code has been registered as active, students will be able to use the access code in the editor. Under the account menu (which we touched on in the Accounts section of the tutorial) select Enter access code.

This brings up the access code window where users can input the code you’ve provided.

If the code is recognised as active, the user will have access to the full version of Construct 3.

If a code is not recognised, Construct 3 will show a warning. Usually, it’s a case of being typed in wrong, but it’s worth checking the details of the access code if multiple users are having issues. Also, if a student closes Construct 3 while using an access code, then they will have to put it in again when reopening the editor.

Remember that the number of seats you assign to an access code is a hard limit. When you have the maximum number of students logged in and someone else then tries to use the same access code, one of your existing users will be logged out to allow the new person in.


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