But, are we?
Let's have a look to our source code.
You probably can't see it on image here... Let me highlight and magnify this for you
Typical. I just wasted you some much time... I'm sorry?
No, I am not.
This is the moment when CBHash comes into an action (literally an "Action").
I strongly suggest that you learn a bit more about CBHash before you wipe your hard drive clean!
... Nahh just kidding :P but I do recommend reading this tutorial CB Hash - MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 hashing algorithms. if you want to learn some more about it.
*Basicly it takes a string that you'll give it as parameter and after a bit of computation will return it under an hashed form.
Ex: "Salut à vous" (hello you) returns "807a56a1e5736f1b9fe533dfcb06ebfd"*
Long story short. It will convert your strings and turn them into a mess.
But this is a mess we want and need!