This video shows how to create an advanced inventory with crafting possibilities for multiple characters. Contact me on Fiverr if you want further assistance :
Welcome to episode #5 of creating a crafting game with Construct 3, in this video we create our inventory class, which has our inventories data structure. Twitt...
This topic has been disussed over and over in the forum and YANN already posted his solution. Still I would like to show you, how I would implment an inventory....
C2 Ads Basement. Today I will lead you through mopub and show you how to set it up with AdMob and CooconJS (works with Android and IOS). If you have some tipps...
This is a simple example of how to store/remove items from an array, and display the array's contents to the player. This is useful for setting up inventory sys...
This tutorial aims to explain how to make a jigsaw puzzle using Scirra's Construct 2. This is part four, "Managing grouped pieces." we'll refine our snapping ro...
When you're working on a small project, keeping things well organised is a good habit, but not essential. However, when your project begins to grow, and you hav...
This tutorial introduces several ways to manage data structures to make a simple inventory system. Which one is better dictionary or array inventory? They each...
Welcome to episode #6 of creating a crafting game with Construct 3, in this video, we create the GUI for our inventory. Assets used: Original Links: Twitter: It...