An easy way to share your game with the world is to publish it on the Scirra Arcade! We host the game for you so you don't need to find your own web server.
To ensure players have a good experience on the Scirra Arcade, some features are blocked. Your game cannot navigate to another page, nor open any popup windows. If you wish to provide a link to a website, put it in the game's description instead, or one of the other fields such as the app store link.
To export for the Scirra Arcade, simply choose the Scirra Arcade option when exporting. You'll get a zip file when the export finishes. Upload this file to the Scirra Arcade and follow the additional steps. (You'll need to be logged in to a Scirra account to be able to do this.) You may need to provide additional details such as the instructions for the game, and some images to represent it. Your game may need to be approved by a moderator as an anti-spam measure. Once everything's approved, then your game will be live!
Good luck!
Good luck publishing your game! Can you get in to the Top games section?
Want to embed an Arcade game on your website? See How to embed your game!