Learn game development and animations with Construct
Top down shooter game featuring wobbly weapon, cursor follow movement, camera shake and keyboard movement! JOIN OUR COMMUNITY OF INDEPENDENT GAME DEVELOPERS! Re...
Short, quick and simple way to create pickable objects with random spawn system to your game. JOIN OUR COMMUNITY OF INDEPENDENT GAME DEVELOPERS! Read our game d...
You're searching for a solution for a destroyable Floor? Then your exactly Right here ! I'll show you how you can get a destroyable Object for your game like in...
Всем привет, в этом уроке я расскажу как, имея подобный массив с характеристиками персонажей, получать значения, и при этом: Не запоминать координаты. Не соблюд...
Welcome to this NPC tutorial – now complete and with the example project included! The aim of this is to show you how to create a system to control multiple typ...
I've been asked by some of the community users to write a guide for getting Steam overlay and achievements working under NW.Js, so here goes. I tested it on lin...
In C3 we now have the option to subclass objects. This essentially means writing a class that extends an object class and will allow us to add custom code to th...
This short tutorial will sum up all the tiny things you should know about if only you took the time to read the manual. I will try to keep this up to date with...
Este tuto vai te ensinar a obter ordem de classificação automática de um grupo de vários valores (temos 10 aqui, mas você pode fazer com o quanto quiser) de mai...