Construct Tutorials
Learn game development and animations with Construct
Screen Resolution for Mobile
This is a tutorial written as the first part of my Mobile Monetization course on Udemy. This tutorial walks through the process I have used on several games to...
How to code monster loot drops
I've written a tutorial for Gamedev Tutsplus . Here is the teaser for the article : In RPGs, platformers, and many other types of game, one common mechanic is f...
How to export Windows Store apps
Windows Store apps are available on both Windows 8+ (for desktop and tablet devices) and Windows Phone 8+. It is recommended to export universal apps, but some...
How to export to iOS with Ejecta
Ejecta is an open-source wrapper designed to provide a high-performance way for HTML5 games to run as iOS native apps. In order to test and publish with Ejecta,...
How to make inventory without arrays.
In this tutorial I will show you how to make an inventory. First thing you need to do is to make 2 sprites: - Item_Slot - Should be 16, 32, 64 (...). - Item (dr...
Multiplayer tutorial 3: pong
This tutorial assumes you have already read both Multiplayer tutorial 1: Concepts and Multiplayer tutorial 2: Chat room . The first tutorial covered the theory...