Construct Tutorials
Learn game development and animations with Construct
Properly Encapsulating A Project
This is my first tutorial, so there might be some screw ups in here regarding hyperlinks, so my apologies. So yea, from what I could tell I didn't see anything...
Parallax scrolling
When your travel in car, train or any vehicle you would have notices that far away objects move very slowly but, near objects move very fast. Taking same princi...
Ceiling walk
In this quick tutorial, you will learn an easy way to make your character walk on ceiling like a ninja (!) using the platform behavior. I invite you to download...
Como hacer un juego de Facebook
En este tutorial, vamos a aprender como agregar un juego HTML5 hecho con Construct 2 a Facebook, y como integrarlo con las funciones de Facebook. Si todavía no...
Jak tworzyć gry na Androida
Tworzenie gry/aplikacji w Construct 2 jest bardzo proste. Jeżeli jeszcze go nie posiadasz, to pobierz wersje Free I zapoznaj się z Poradnikiem dla początkującyc...
Ladder Implement in Game
Please understand this that I am not expert but, I will try my best to help anyone. Now someone asked me while back how to make use of ladders in C2 game. Here...
Как сделать 'Магазин в игре'
Привет, я решил сделать серию туториалов основанную на тематике пользователей, просивших помочь им с этим. Это первый - Внутриигровой магазин. Это онлайн демо -...