Construct Tutorials
Learn game development and animations with Construct
Crie o game Pong no Construct 2
Material da aula Acesse nosso site para mais tutoriais -> cursoag.Com. Instagram. Facebook Academia Gamer. A Academia Gamer é uma escola voltada para a Criação...
How to Insert a Background
1. Right-click and click the "Insert New Object". 2.Scroll down to go to tiled background. 3. Now start drawing what you want your background to be.\. Thank you...
How to destroy your game floor per pixel
You're searching for a solution for a destroyable Floor? Then your exactly Right here ! I'll show you how you can get a destroyable Object for your game like in...
Simple Construct 2 Admob Ads [Working]
In this tutorial I will explain the proper integration of Google Ad Mob Ads using Construct 2 and cocoon.Io. What’s required? 1. Banner or Interstitial ad unit...
Iman para monedas o items
Perform a functionality where the coins or items move towards us is very but very easy with the behavors, we need the MOVETO which can download it here: To our...
Idle Game - Part 1
In this tutorial I will show you how to create an "Idle" game, similar to Cookie clicker! First let's add the "Cookie" which will be the object that you will ea...