Construct Tutorials
Learn game development and animations with Construct
Important programs for game development
After spending a lot of time on making games on C2, I have used several programs I saw necessary for making games. If you're willing to make games professionall...
Collaborate on projects with GitHub
You may just seen Ashley 's tutorial about how to collaborate on projects with SVN . I recommend you to read this tutorial before doing so. GitHub is a place wh...
Screen Resolution for Mobile
This is a tutorial written as the first part of my Mobile Monetization course on Udemy. This tutorial walks through the process I have used on several games to...
How to export Windows Store apps
Windows Store apps are available on both Windows 8+ (for desktop and tablet devices) and Windows Phone 8+. It is recommended to export universal apps, but some...
How to export to iOS with Ejecta
Ejecta is an open-source wrapper designed to provide a high-performance way for HTML5 games to run as iOS native apps. In order to test and publish with Ejecta,...