Construct Tutorials
Learn game development and animations with Construct
Intel XDK kayıp build butonu çözümü
Eğer Intel XDK kullanırken build butonunu bulamıyorsanız windows dilinizi ingilizceye çevirirseniz sorun kalmaz. Ben baya aradım bulabilmek için siz zorlanmayın...
Drawing a curved line from A to B
One method of drawing a curved line from A to B Using Pathfinding and lerp. Try moving the blue box sprite(2) around in the layout to change the shape of the Br...
Offline Games in Construct 2
Construct 2 Games funktionieren offline. So lange das Game einmal online heruntergeladen wurde, kann der Spieler das Game nochmals spielen nachdem er offline ge...
Construct 2 初心者向けガイド
ようこそ Construct 2 の世界へ!このガイドは「ゴーストシューター」というHTML5デモ・ゲームの作り方を紹介します。まずはどのようなゲームか このリンク先のデモ で試してみましょう。ゲームでは、プレイヤーは常にマウスの方向を向いていて、矢印キーを使って移動させることができます。左マウスボタンをクリックすると...
Lerp (simple example)
Lerp is a math function to find a percentage value between point(a) and point(b). It has many use's. I have attached a simple capx to demonstrate 1 example. The...