Learn game development and animations with Construct
In this example ( file attached ) you will learn how to get some Users information and display a Country Flag , or you can display any information you want , or...
In this example bellow , ( file attached ) you will learn how to make a request to check for a version for your mobile game / app or other. All My tutorials her...
Here you will learn how to check if the Game or App is online or not or Update a Game checking for the version , with it you can unable or desable some funtions...
If you want to save your game , in different ways most simple to advanced just download the file. All My tutorials here.
After some time of researching I just find a way to show the Time Away , offline earnings , total time since first run , online time , an online / Offline count...
In This Tutorial for Construct 2 or Construct 3 ( File Attached ) you will learn how to make nice AI Enemies Effects for your game. It Includes Life Bar follow...
Hello All. In this "Tutorial " File attached fully commented. Here you will see how to Scroll Screen by : 1) Arrow Keys or WASD Keys. 2) Click Buttons to go to...
How to Make a Scratch Card Game - Lottery Game Construct 3. Hello. In this tutorial ( attached file ) you will learn how to make a scratchCard to put in your ga...
This Tutorial Fully commented in Attached file , you can create a Effect like in CoinMaster game ! See All My Tutorials Here.