Learn game development and animations with Construct
Welcome to my Beginner's tutorial, "How to make and 'Angry Birds' style game in 11 events"! I did a little experimenting and found the best way to get a "bird"...
L'objet Text de Construct 2 supporte les polices Web , des polices de caractères hébergées en ligne. C'est très pratique d'utiliser ces polices web, car vous ne...
Last week, we took a first look at the world of color. Before moving forward with its characteristics, we are going to talk about a handy tool. Today’s tutorial...
In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to take a screenshot, save it and share it with iOS and android's native share function. For of an example on how thi...
So this is a 1 hour video showing you how to recreate the game Flappy Bird within Construct 2. This tutorial assumes you have a little knowledge of Construct 2...
Do you want to know how to create a game player database without writing any PHP & MySQL code? Here is the fastest way to get it done! In tutorial we'll use Par...
Olá à todos! Neste tutorial eu estou ensinando como fazer um login (básico) no Construct 2. Antes de começar o tutorial, é recomendado que você conheça um pouco...
N'aquest tutoriale, vamo aprendere come adicionare um jogo feit amb HTML 5 I Construct 2 per le Facebook, I come integrá-lo amb las característiques dello Faceb...
After a quick digression into the realm of game design, I'm back revenue tutorial dedicated to graphics. Today's theme is a consent that is more than familiar,...