Construct Tutorials
Learn game development and animations with Construct
Arrange Numbers
In this tutorial we'll learn how to arrange numbers from 1 to 15. What really happen is at start of our game all the numbers will be disorderly therefore player...
双击黑色正方形 - 选择“Set origin and image points” - 右键点击origin - 选“Quick assign” - 选“Bottom”。. 让黑色正方形覆盖在红色正方形上。. 添加鼠标插件。. 添加一个叫“Start”的全局变量,默认值是0,然后添加一个事件, 表示如果鼠标点击蓝色正方...
Make cool down of icon
You can download the CAPX on the left. I hope to help beginners. You need a box , a black box and a blue box. Each box width and height are 100. Red is skill ic...
Rex MoveTo a time saver
Recently I wanted to show the text "Bonus +10" in a game. This needed to scroll up from the bottom and scroll back down after a second. To solve this issue I us...
Tetris Clone for Construct 2
Everyone likes to play challenging game. My grandson he is only 4 but he is on level 143 game call Minion Rush. He is crazy but I love him. Eldest grandson like...
Como fazer savegames
Construct 2 fornece uma maneira fácil de fazer savegames. Eles permitem que os seus jogadores salve o jogo , e em seguida, voltar mais tarde e carregá-lo a part...
Snake in 16 Events
I have uploaded a capx, which explains how to make a simple snake game in 16 Events. I have also uploaded it to the Scirra arcade. Cheers.